2013 December

Marley Plumbing & Drainage offers a CIBSE-accredited CPD guide to sanitary drainage design. This one-hour seminar is designed to help contractors and engineers further their knowledge of sanitary pipework design. It explores a number of key objectives — including background information on sanitary standards, requirements of Building Regulations, terminology, system classifications and design calculations.

Following its work in the CILECCTA project for developing an advanced software tool incorporating life-cycle costing and life-cycle assessment, BSRIA has published the guide ‘Life cycle assessment’ (BG 52/2013). This collaborative EU project involved 17 partners from seven countries. Life-cycle assessment is a structured methodology for compiling and evaluating the environmental impacts and the primary-energy demand of a product system throughout its life.
Copper Development Association
The various uses and benefits of copper are explored in a comprehensive web platform of the Copper Development Association. Its target audience includes copper users, professionals and policy makers.

Ener-G Procurement has published a free guide on how to align energy purchasing and CHP strategies to avoid reducing the return on investment. Installing CHP reduces a site’s demand for electricity while increasing gas consumption. CHP operating hours can vary from initial plans, potentially leading to financial penalties as demand for electricity and gas swing in and out of contractual tolerance bands.

Distech Controls appoints One Sightsolutions as UK distribution partner
Distech Controls has appointed integration specialist One Sightsolutions as its UK distribution partner. Based in Hampshire, One Sightsolutions now offers product distribution with added value-added engineering support.

Vaillant cuts commercial-boiler prices
Vaillant is reducing the price of all six of its ecoCRAFT condensing floor-standing commercial boilers by an average of 22%. The move coincides with the standard guarantee being extended from two to five years and discontinuing the atmoCRAFT range of atmospheric floor-standing boilers.

Assured performance for LED lighting
Tamlite Lighting has reintroduced its Infinity mark to products in its LED range to identify that they meet technical standards for excellent light quality — including efficiency, life, colour rendering, colour temperature and testing.

Grundfos contributes to World Wildlife Fund accolade for Denmark
Denmark’s ‘Gift to the Earth’ award from the World Wildlife Fund is WWF’s highest accolade and recognises that it is possible to promote a sustainable society while at the same time delivering a balance between a successful economy and societal welfare. It was noted that well known clean-tech companies such as Grundfos Pumps demonstrate that it is possible to deliver good business results out of green solutions.

New Siemens application booklet for RVL400 series controllers
Siemens has launched a new application booklet for its RVL400 series heating controllers. The booklet contains applications with and without DHW control. The RVL400 series controllers are easy-to-use optimiser/compensator controllers which deliver energy savings based on demand based control.

Bosch named Pipe Center supplier of the year
Bosch Commercial & Industrial Heating has been named Pipe Center’s supplier of the year. The award is based on Bosch’s performance across 10 categories — including branch and field-sales support and stock availability, through to training support and new-product development. The assessment covered 12 months.

Hitachi Samurai chillers qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowances
Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe’s Hi Efficiency Samurai chiller RCME now qualifies for Enhanced Capital Allowances, joining the Hi Efficiency Set Free VRF that was listed earlier this year.

CPD training for variable-speed drives
ABB offers an hour-long energy-efficiency seminar for engineeers involved with the use of variable-speed drives in the building-services sector. It is accredited by the CPD Certification Service and gives engineers an understanding of how variable-speed drives can make a major contribution to improving the efficiency of HVAC systems. The seminar can be delivered at an ABB office or a client’s own premises.
Havells Sylvania’s latest contractor guide contains all the latest’s LED products from Lumiance and Sylvania in its 498 pages. Products include PanelLED Layin LED panels, Sylproof LED waterproof fittings and Lumiance Syl-Lighter LED downlights, alongside its more traditional technologies.

BSRIA has published new guidance on ‘Water treatment for building services systems’ to replace guidance published 20 years ago. The treatment of water in heating and cooling systems is essential to avoid micro-biological fouling, corrosion and scale. These problems can result in energy wastage, poor system performance and the early replacement of plant and components.
Refrigerant specialist A-Gas is now keeping users and potential customers up to date using Facebook and Linkedin. ‘The web effect is undoubtedly a valuable communications tool in the marketing mix,’ says Hayley Russell, group marketing executive. ‘With the availability of smart phones and tablets, it is easier to keep in touch and reach a wider audience.’

Rinnai water heaters interface with a BMS
Rinnai’s Infinity continuous-flow condensing water heaters can now be integrated with building-management systems, bringing the prospect of high energy efficiencies for commercial buildings. Capabilities of the smart controller include on/off status and fault codes to facilitate first-time repair. The user can get a precise error code so the engineer will have available the correct parts and information.

Whole-house ventilation can serve six duct runs
Airflow’s HVS10/6 low-cost continuous-ventilation unit can serve up to six duct runs using Airflow’s Airflex Pro 75 mm round ducting. This low-leakage ductwork is Appendix Q eligible.

Marflow Hydronics offers Optergy energy management system
The Optergy energy-management system, which is available from Marflow Hydronics, provides a universal approach to a complete energy-management system. Working with a building-management system, it provides energy-management capabilities to help users optimise the efficiency of their buildings by delivering integrated energy-management, building-automation and security solutions.

Thermal destratification takes on new elegance
Airius now offers a Designer version of its thermal destratification units. These units feature the same patented stator technology that is used in the company’s other energy-saving destratification fans.

WC pan conceals its own flushing-water supply
Roca’s In-Tank Meridian WC pan incorporates the cistern within the body of the pan itself, simplifying installation and saving space and water. Back-to-wall and wall-hung versions are available and project just 595 mm. The wall-hung option comes complete with straight or L-shaped supports, so it can be fitted to solid or cavity walls with the support frame built in.

Instantaneous hot water can integrate with solar
MHS Boilers’ Instant Hot Water Station delivers instantaneous hot water using primary energy from a buffer vessel as the heat source. There are three units offering flows of 32, 38 and 47 l/m of DHW with a primary supply temperature of 55°C.

Adexsi UK offers a range of ventilation and smoke-extract products with CE marking, a mandatory requirement in the UK since 1 July 2013. For ease of identification, the products have EC in their name: CErtilam roof and wall louvres; CErtilux roof louvres (pictured); Certilux wall louvres, CErtilight flap ventilators; and CErticiel window ventilators. All are specifically tailored for the UK market.

Ceiling-mounted fan-coil convector heaters
Smith’s Environmental Products has launched two new ceiling-mounted versions of its Caspian light-commercial fan-convector range in response to market demand. The new units, CL60 and CL90, have EC motors that reduce electricity consumption by up to 80% and significantly reduce noise. A third model with higher output is due in 2014.

Airedale gets smart with water chillers
Airedale’s SmartCool range of water chillers for the precision air-conditioning market is designed to have a small footprint and high EER (energy efficiency ratio). A key feature of these units, which have cooling capacities from 11 to 233 kW, is to maximise the use of the internal heat-exchange area. There are three versions — SD, SN and SR.

Multi-service chilled beams have integrated sensors and controls
Lindab’s eHybrid multi-service chilled-beam system includes a number of sensors to reduce heating/cooling, ventilation and lighting in unoccupied spaces. A report by independent testing institute WSP indicates that eHybrid can achieve savings of up to 34% compared to typical chilled-beam installations.

Panasonic introduces range of door curtains
Panasonic’s range of air curtains include EC fan motors with 40% lower running costs than standard AC motors, options for connecting to VRF or PACi air-conditioning systems and a built-in drain for cooling operation.

Floor boxes can cope with a load of 1.25 t
Marshall-Tufflex has beefed up its Underfloor to Desk range to handle heavier traffic. A 3 mm support plate comes as standard to enable these units to handle medium-load traffic. For heavier loads, up to 1.25 t, a steel sub-frame can be ordered and quickly inserted — at a later date if required.

The Stourflex Pressure Step Degasser is designed to remove gas from chilled-water and heating systems up to 100°C. It is designed for system with a volume of up to 300 m3 and a system design pressure of up to 16 bar.

Vent-Axia’s Lo-Carbon Kitchen Box Fan meets the requirements set out in the 2013 edition of the non-domestic buildings compliance guide requiring a specific fan power of less than 1 W/l/s in new and existing building. A 12-month payback can be achieved when upgrading from AC motors.

Rinnai’s common flue system for water heaters
Rinnai has developed a common-header flue system for multiple-units installation of its Infinity condensing continuous-flow gas-fired water heaters. It eliminates the need for individual flue termination on modular banks of water heaters and large-scale commercial systems.

Integrated heating and cooling unit for AHUs
Flakt Woods’ Recooler HP integrated heating and cooling units are designed as an integral component for the company’s air-handling units. They incorporate a reversible heat pump and energy-recovery wheel to provide benefits such as quick and simple installation, extremely high efficiencies and year-round energy efficiency.

Airedale moves to HFO for TurboChill chiller
Airedale is soon to launch a production range of free-cooling chillers using Turbocor compressors with R1234ez, which has a very low global warming potential of six, compared with around 1300 for refrigerants such as R134a. R1234ez is an HFO and breaks down in the atmosphere in a few days, compared with 13 years for previous-generation counterparts.

Trend’s sub-meters are simple to deploy
Trend Control Systems has developed a range of sub-meters that provide a simple-to-deploy solution to work with its BEMSs. A field trial by the Carbon Trust showed that, on average, organisations that switch to using advanced metering reduced their carbon emissions by 12% and achieved financial savings of 5% through lower utility bills.

Cable tray slashes installation time
Up to 70% saving in installation time is claimed for the Snake Tray cable-management system from Apex Wiring Solutions. This fully integrated steel-wire basket system can be quickly and easily bent by hand to accommodate changes in direction; there is no need to cut and form.

Hoval’s TopGas Cascade module gas-fired condensing boiler systems combine design flexibility with exceptional ease of installation. They are supplied as a kit that includes boilers, LTHW and gas pipework header(s), interconnecting flexible LTHW and gas pipework, pumps and valves.

LG delivers step change in VRF air conditioning
LG’s latest VRF air-conditioning system, Multi V IV, can achieve a 40% improvement in integrated partial-load efficiency, compared with the previous-generation Multi V III, to achieve an EER of 6.0 compared with 4.3. There is also a 30% improvement in system efficiency to 4.85 compared with 3.73, based on a 20 hp unit in cooling-only mode. Four innovative technologies in the new range are responsible for these substantial improvements.

Cast-iron above-ground drainage chosen for medical city in Qatar
Hamad Medical City in Doha, Qatar, will have its above-ground drainage supplied by 4 km of Saint-Gobain PAM’s Ensign-S cast-iron solution. The product was chosen for its fire-safety and acoustic qualities and is being used in sizes ranging from DN70 to DN150. Cast iron is non-combustible and has excellent acoustic properties.

ADT provides fire detection for private hospital in Eire
ADT Fire & Security has been specified by Suir Engineering to deliver an intelligent fire-detection and alarm system as part of the £15 million development of the new Mater Private Hospital in Cork, Ireland. This large and complex facility requires a reliable and robust system to reduce the risk of false alarms.

Hospital support system for rooftop plant is non-invasive
Big Foot Systems’ support solution for rooftop plant has been used at Cromer & District Hospital £14.9 million redevelopment project to support a significant number of air-handling units and services on the flat roof. The roof construction comprises a single-ply membrane on top of insulation, necessitating rooftop plant to be supported on a non-penetrative frame to avoid any damage to the roof membrane and the possibility of future leaks.

Sea is heat source for new marina building
The sea provides the heat source for the Nibe heat-pump installation that meets the extensive heating and hot-water needs of a new marina building operated by Inverness Marina. These shore facilities provide visiting yacht crews with shower and laundry facilities. The building also includes a classroom area and the main marina office.

LST radiators for hospital are also easy to clean
MHS Radiators has supplied LST radiators from its Aeroguard and Slimline ranges as part of the refurbishment of Haslemere Hospital in Surrey. These radiators have an anti-microbial surface treatment specifically designed for healthcare environments.

Ability fan-coil units serve helicopter training centre
Energy-efficient air conditioning for the recently opened Lynx Wildcat helicopter training centre at RNAS Yeovilton is delivered by EC/DC fan-coil units from Ability Projects. This centre utilises a high degree of synthetic training technology based around full mission simulators and flight and cockpit training systems.

Sports centre in Truro uses CP lighting control
CP Electronic’s Rapid lighting-control system with scene setting has been installed in the new sports centre of Truro School in Cornwall. It was specified by E3 Consulting Engineers of Bath for its ease of installation and simple control via standard light switches, handsets or from a central computerised source.

Monodraught supports Children in Need
Monodraught has supported the BBC’s charity Children in Need by supplying and installing, free of charge, natural-ventilation and daylighting systems for the Little Miracles project. Featured in the programme ‘DIY SOS: the big build’, the systems were used in the transformation of this centre for disabled children in Peterborough.

Trend drives energy savings at Jaguar Land Rover
Jaguar Land Rover’s 365 ha Gaydon Centre site in Warwickshire has achieved a 21% reduction in operational CO2 emissions since 2007, despite significant work to extend its facilities. Contributing to these savings has been a Trend BEMS, which achieved energy savings of 4.3 GWH in the five years up to 2012 and 1674 t of CO2.

The Kalwall daylighting system has been used to good effect in the headquarters of a large office stationery supplier in Leicester. Nearly 1800 m2 of this translucent cladding was used as a wrap-around for the 3-storey building.

Trane project in Paris museum is a work of art
Trane’s 4-year involvement in refurbishment work the Musée d’Orsay art museum in Paris has preserved the sensitive indoor environment crucial to the works of art and provide for the comfort and safety of visitors and staff — with no disturbance to the 3.5 million-plus visitors a year.

Priva BMS will enable school to build on its low-carbon standards
The new £12 million building of Pakefield High School in South Lowestoft was built according to low-carbon resource-efficient standards and now aims to maintain those standards throughout the building’s life with the help of a Priva building-management system.

Hanovia UV for Hong Kong swimming centre
Victoria Park Swimming Complex in Hong Kong has installed 21 Hanovia UK disinfection systems to treat the water in three of its indoor pools and to disinfect harvested rainwater. The main 50 m competition pool, a 30 m multi-purpose pool and an indoor Jacuzzi are now all treated with UV. Recycled rainwater used for cleaning floors and flushing toilets is treated with UK.

School refurbishment uses Mikrofill boilers
Heating for new and refurbished buildings at Langley Park School for Boys in Beckenham is provided by boilers from Mikrofill. The work included a state-of-the-art performance space, a new Sport England sports hall adjacent to the Phythian Building, which was refurbishment to match the new construction.

Traincare depot enjoys benefits of radiant heat
Gas-fired radiant heating has replaced a costly and ineffective oil-fired system at Polmadie Traincare centre in Glasgow. The system for the 10 000 m2 maintenance shed was supplied by AmbiRad and includes a Nor-Ray-Vac system with 61 burners and SmartCom controls. The depot services Virgin Pendolino trains.

Finalists announced for the 2025 Pump Industry Awards
The Pump Industry Awards has revealed its highly anticipated finalists for 2025, showcasing the very best in innovation, performance and contribution across the pump sector. The winners will be celebrated at the prestigious gala dinner on Thursday 13th March at the Hilton Hotel, St. Georges Park in Burton on Trent.
Electrical businesses brace for project delays in 2025
The latest quarterly Building Engineering Business Survey (BEBS) has revealed that close to two thirds (63%) of electrotechnical and engineering services businesses are worried about delays to projects and the impact this can have on cashflow.